Thursday, January 19, 2012

Raised Right: How I Untangled My Faith from Politics by Alisa Harris

In her book, Alisa Harris, chronicles her experiences growing up in an extremely conservative environment. She begins with stories from her childhood progressing all the way through to her recent past as a journalist. Homeschooled. Politically involved. Emotionally charged. Harris talks extensively about how extreme her political views were and how they effected her faith.

I was also homeschooled and raised in a predominantly conservative environment. While my experiences are not as extreme, I can definitely relate. It is important to recognize that her purpose in writing is not to say that the conservative views which she held or may still hold, are either right or wrong. Her point is essentially that people should be allowed to disagree. If someone has a different viewpoint, that is okay, it does not necessarily mean that person is not a Christian. I sought this book out because I am now attending a secular college which is far different from the Christian environment I was raised in. This book is a great tool for those who are in that position, to become more aware of the spectrum of beliefs that Christians can have. Once again, Harris never asks the reader to compromise on values but to not equate political ideology with faith.

I was provided with a free copy of this book by Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing for review purposes.

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